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Artist(s): Molokid
Location: None
Software: Photoshop 
I chose Molokid as there art as the use of different thing like pictures of animals of machinery etc they also use different backgrounds like coffee stained ones as had different things like lines and dots and different shapes. With my hand developments I use the things I did as they were like Molokid work and some of the colours as well as they ae bright and stand out. It is the same with my digital development I got my ideas from the work of the artist and from that made my own work. Also with the digital ones I used photoshop to make thins I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut out the shapes and use the line tool to make the lines and use the drawing tool to make the dots. It was different than making the one in hand as the ones in hand took less time than the digital ones as I could cut things out easier. In my opinion, from all of the designs I did my hand ones would be the best as I could make it with my hands and cut things out and see where things would look good before gluing it down. 


Hand Developments

Digital Developments

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